11:30 pm depart Taller PR
12 pm Arrive at Pennsylvania Convention Center, Hall A
3:00 Depart for Lunch Reading Terminal
4 PM Depart From Lunch
4:30 PM arrive at Taller PR
Please keep this sheet for reference and return the latter with the signature before the trip.
*If any changes occur before the journey, parents will be contacted immediately.
Parents who have any questions, please feel free to contact me via Phone or Email.
Daniel de Jesús – 267.234.4258 ddejesus@tallerpr.org
Dear Parents,
The Youth Artist Program (YAP) has organized a field trip for Sunday, November 5, 2017
To National Portfolio Day at The Pennsylvania Convention Center. This Field trip is for up to 10 participants on a first come first saved basis. Please return this permission slip quickly to ensure your child’s reservation. Students need to bring their own money to purchase lunch that day.
Please review the itinerary above for drop off and pick up times.
The Taller is providing a lite snack for the field trip.
YAP participants should bring money to purchase any other food or gifts from the museum if they so wish.