The Youth Artist Program is hosting a Virtual Manga Comic workshop on June 24 – July 16.
All participants will receive a packet of supplies that include some paper, drawing materials, and resource packets. The workshop will focus on training students in drawing techniques, comic layout, design, and coloring. Each participant will create a 4-page comic and a cover image and published in an anthology of short comics in print and web form.
Comic illustration experience is not required. The workshop is a celebration of Manga, Anime, art, and the spirit of storytelling. Acceptance to the program is first-come, first-serve. There are only 20 spots for this workshop.
We have eight sessions starting June 24 – July 16, 2020
The group meets twice a week, every Wednesday & Thursday online from10 am – 1 pm with a 30 min recess in between.
Homework assignments every Thursday.
Participants must attend every session and complete the assignments. Missing two sessions will result in the removal of the participant’s inclusion in our Anthology.