Manga Anthology 1.0

1st ever Manga Anthology is here!

It brings me great pleasure to announce that the Youth Artist Virtual Programs has published our first collection of student work. You can purchase a physical copy by emailing Daniel de Jesús . Feel free to previwe the book in the pdf link above.

It gives me great pleasure to present the first-ever Manga Academy Anthology created by members of the Youth Artist Program at the Taller Puertorriqueño. We have always sought to create opportunities to expand our art education model. 

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, many institutions like ours have had to strategize how we can continue to provide the essential services traditionally given in our physical spaces. Our virtual program this summer of 2020 really looked to provide a reprieve from the dystopian experience of the pandemic and provide life to independent storytelling through the international art form known as Manga. The class was an experience that allowed us to share our love for all things Japanese and to also learn that Manga is an art form that belongs to many other groups. 

I want to give thanks to our teaching Artist David Izaguirre Jr. and our engineer Jean Ruíz for their hard work and dedication to this new online program. The comics you will read come from very talented and dedicated young artists from across the Mid-Atlantic region. Their work is highly creative and unique to themselves. Their work is a testament to the future of American Manga. As the editor and curator of this publication, it gives me great pride to know that such a class can be offered and utilized by young people and communities that are dedicated to the education and presentation of a diverse group of young artists.

Daniel de Jesús – YAP Manager


Athena – Zombi-

Yanisah Santiago – Bumping into You

Xavier Loáisiga – Dead Mermaid

B.C. – Lost Misfit Vol. 1

Isaac Reyes – Explosive Nakamura

Alexander Lydon-Warner – Drawings

Teaching Artist: David Izaguirre Jr. 

Front Cover art by Armondo Garcia

Back Cover by Yanisah Santiago

YAP Virtual Logo designer and engineer Jean Ruíz